Friday, August 13, 2010

20 Minutes!

Guess who ran 20 minutes today? Yup, this moi!
OK and by run I mean jogged.
And by 20 minutes I mean an 8 minute interval followed by a 4 minute and then another 8 minute because that 4 minutes was supposed to be an 8 minute but I hyperventilated and had to stop. But I knew I could do it, I had just done one 8 minute interval so I tried again and Victory was mine! Week 5 is ovah!

And week 6 includes the task of running for a solid 20 minutes! I can't believe this. How about 10 minutes with a two minute rest followed by another 10?!?! I think the solid 20 minute interval will shock my body and help it get accustomed to running longer distances. Like the day trips on Everest to higher altitudes. At least that's what I'm hoping.

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