Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The Daughter:
I just went for a quick 20 minute walk. Physical activity is the hardest part for me. I follow the program and drink big glasses of water like a champ, but putting on those sneakers is a giant hurdle for me. I’ve spent the morning doing not so much fun work while the bright sunny day called to me. SO as a little reward, I picked up my Ipod loaded with my favorite knitting podcast, The Knitmore Girls, and headed outside. I didn’t run or try to over exert myself. Just a little walk to clear my head and make me smile. Instead of thinking of it as a chore I enjoyed it as a reward.

Now I’m back and eating some string cheese. I’m supposed to eat 4 fruits, and 4 dairy/protein servings a day, because I’m a vegetarian I guess. I’m good with the fruit but the last two days I’ve been a dairy/protein short at the end of the day. So I need to really force myself to eat it in the mornings since that seems to be when I’m skipping it.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I listen to podcasts, too, while I'm on the elliptical. It keeps me moving.

    To add a little protein, I like to have string cheese with my applesauce. Might that work for you?
